Hey! My name is Julian Sitges and im 13 years old. My birthday is in August. My first language is Spanish. When i was 6 i learned how to talk and understand English. I was born in here, in Puerto Vallarta,Mexico. Im basicly catholic, or at least thats what i think. I dont really know if i believe in god. I dont even go to the church every sunday.
My parents are the most important people in my life. My dads name is Francisco, and my moms Zahira. My brother (Paco) and i are very close brothers. Our family understands each other perfectly. As a family we like to do different things together. Normally we leave Pto. Vallarta in summer to go to another place. In some cases we discuss but we say "sorry" right away. Thats how my family is.
Let me tell you know the things that i like. My favorite things to do is playing the electric guitar and skateboarding. I want to be a pro skateboarder. I also like sports and videogames. One of the things i do in the weekend is watching a horror movie although they scare me. I dont enjoy books, but my favorite author is Stephen King. One of the books that i read from him is "Cujo", wich is an awesome novel. Unfortunately i dont have a special band, i just like the metal songs. This is pretty much how i am.
the Bay in a Day ...
Hace 14 años