martes, 23 de marzo de 2010

Coolaid Biography

Maybe my life is not that awesome but it stills being interesting. I was born inside a coconut. Unfourtnately Ive never had parents nor brothers. However i had lots of chicks by my side. For example: jumex, gatorade and powerade. Anyways, my daily attractions are playing the guitar and dancing in clubs. During the weekend im used to get into fights a lot. My only best friend is Molasio and when im not at rumbles, im in his small house. Another good quality of my life is that im very ritch sice many paople buy my products. This the way I live, hope you like it, if not, too bad.

martes, 16 de marzo de 2010

animated 8th graders

I really liked this video. I think it's very creative and funny. All of them are very awesome, however i enjoyed sebastian's the most. Its obvious that it tooked a lot of time to do this so i admire each one of the 8 graders. One of my favorite fact of the video was the colors. It was pretty cool how they changed colors while doing theyre movements. I hope we get to do that project when we become 8th graders.

miércoles, 3 de marzo de 2010


I consider electrcity a valuable resource. Without it, my life wouldnt have a purpose. The only thing that im good in is use and waste elctricity by using diffrent tools. Maybe it causes global warming but if I dont use electricity and that means no technology, Ill die. Anyways, my parents tell me all the time to use this resource in small amounts of time. Ofcourse, i dont care what they say. However i dont waste it much.
One of the things that i waste elctricity most in is my electric guitar. I use it almost 3 hours a day. It wastes ai lot of enegy but it worths it. Another item i use, is the computer. I like to log to facebook daily. I also play 1 hour of xbox 360 after finishing my homework. Another way in which i waste energy is in the shower. I spend a lo tof time taking a shower. Anyways, I also use electricity by watching telvision. There are another lots of ways in which i use energy like: washing my teeth, turning the lights on, turning the air conditioner on, charging my cellphone, turning the fan on, charging batteries, cooking, and watering my plants.
Doing all this, makes me sick. I dont like doing this but then how am i suppose to live? I do care about the environment. I try to use it in slow amounts of time. Everyday im trying to use less tools that need energy. In conclusion, i will try to conservate elcetricity.