miércoles, 23 de septiembre de 2009

martes, 22 de septiembre de 2009

Social Network

I am involved in social networking too much. I have many accounts in differents networks. I use Facebook every day, i have a Google account to know information, and i use Youtube almost always. At first i thought facebook was so boaring, but when they explain it to me, i get in the habit of login every day. With google, i just use it to know some information that im interested in. Youtube is a perfect website for me to look different kinds of videos, like music videos, and funny videos. this is some examples of how im in volved on socilal networking.

Some times social networks can be dangerous. Pervs are a good example of how dangerous networking could be. This guys might bother you with some questions or try to steel you. Also, they mith prefer steel you identity. One way to protect yourself is, by not putting too much about your information, like where do you live, in what school are you at, and whats your last name. Its better if you decide to put only false information, or just dont put any.

Our education needs to be change letting us know how to defend ourselfs from pervs and people like that. Another way, is by teaching us how to use the internet and technology, so we could be prepare when we grow up. Thats the way i think our education needs to be changed.